I received this from a dear friend yesterday... for me it truly shows that our God is greater then the storm. The video has been circling the internet for a while but I wanted to share it with you now...
This arrangement of "The Battle Hymn Of The Republic" is performed by four high school choirs, plus a little kid's choir of elementary school children. I found the arrangement deeply moving. The little kids get the first verse to themselves,then the high schoolers join in. A small band accompanies the choir. The soundtrack is taken from a video made by one of the performing students father.
To this school district, It's in their honor, I make this,
By: GreatDanePro - Taken from the web site at: http://www.greatdanepromilitary.com/B...
To this school district, It's in their honor, I make this,
By: GreatDanePro - Taken from the web site at: http://www.greatdanepromilitary.com/B...
Patriotism: Not Quite Dead in the Public Schools yet!
The Battle Hymn of the Republic was written in 1861 by Jula Ward Howe & William Steffe. Enjoy, chills went through me as I listened and watched this video...
Without character, freedom fails...
"Unless we act now to strengthen the character of our nation’s youth — and give them the resources to succeed — the United States will not be prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century." Alma Powell ( Gen. Colin Powell's wife)
"Unless we act now to strengthen the character of our nation’s youth — and give them the resources to succeed — the United States will not be prepared to meet the challenges of the 21st century." Alma Powell ( Gen. Colin Powell's wife)