One of my love experiences is finding toss-away pieces of furniture n' turning it into objects of art, such as I did with this sturdy, solid wood, kitchen cart. I found it at my local thrift store, looking so unadorned... but with great potential, that I bought it and with the help of my son, Joshua, carted it home.
Sometimes I know what to do with a piece when I find it. But most of the time I like to live with it for awhile until the right image comes to my mind...after pondering 'what to do'...I saw grape vines encircling the top and cascading down the sides. Perfect!
I decided on using one of my favorite colors for the cart itself, the color of c

I always thought it would be good to grow my own grapes; to have the sweet grapes for eating, to make jam... even my own wine. And then, what wonderful wreaths the vine would make.
"*The Complete Grape Growers Guide" ... is a good resource for growing your own grapes and reaping the fruit from your vineyard. *You can find it where it says 'click here'.
May your life be full of blessings and they become you,Elizabeth